Friday, December 9, 2016

The trouble with water

in a bowl, in a moving vehicle.

It spills!

I found travel bowls on Amazon but wasn't able to find any locally in Amarillo...or any of the 2-3 other cities where we stopped and looked. I didn't have time for the one from Amazon to arrive before we left, so I made do!

What does this girl do in a pinch? Makes one herself!  See the ridge on the lid of the bowl? I just used a sharp knife and cut along the line and ta-dah!!! I don't call it splll proof, though, because it gets spilled, but not as much as a bowl without a rim would. It works until we get a *good* one in from Amazon.

The real spill proof bowls sure aren't as cheap as the bowl I made, but this is one of those things being on the road teaches you. Sometimes you get what you pay for. I am placing the order for ours tonight, so it will already be there when we get home for Christmas. We are going with the first choice above :-)

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